Chief Executive Officer
The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity has established Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd to deliver early phase studies for local and global clients.
Doherty Clinical Trials is dedicated to delivering innovative, safe and ethically-sound trials in a range of therapeutic areas. We specialise in innovative early phase and human challenge clinical studies of the highest quality.
With a focus on early phase healthy volunteer studies, we will be an active partner in tailoring clinical trial solutions for clients. Our bespoke approach suits researchers and organisations that may value additional input on study design, protocol development and comprehensive medical review.
Such specialised services are aimed to help our clients and partners to address cost and time barriers, accelerating the development of novel medicines and vaccines.
To read more about how we can help to save time and reduce costs, download our fact sheet.
Our trials are delivered by experts, including some of the world leading hospital clinical investigators and research scientists, with deep clinical trial knowledge and experience in disease areas including infectious diseases and immunology. Our facility is the only unit in Australia specifically commissioned to deliver human challenge trials, and with a specific mandate to support experimental medicine and translational research.
If you would like to discuss how we can help you achieve your clinical objectives, contact us.
Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd is a not-for-profit entity, registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Melbourne and a separate company, limited by guarantee.
We are governed by a skills-based Board with membership approved by the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity Council comprising an independent chair, senior level executives from the University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital, and the Director of the Institute.
A skills-based board combines comprehensive experience in academic research, financial strategy, commercial development and biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries. Along with the specialised leadership team, this expertise drives Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd unique capabilities.